Eco-Friendly Landscaping Tips

Photo via Pixabay by ArtisticOperations
Guest article by: Clara Beaufort
For many homeowners, creating curb appeal isn’t just for potential buyers; they want their homes, lawns, and landscape to look impeccable no matter what time of year it is, no matter how long they intend to live there. It can be difficult to find the best ways to keep your lawn looking nice year-round, however, especially nowadays, when being eco-friendly is more important than ever. It’s not just about conserving water, although that’s a big part of it; it’s also about maintaining a healthy ecosystem for the various wildlife in your area to help them thrive.
Fortunately, there are several simple ways you can be more eco-friendly when it comes to your lawn. Making an effort to reduce the amount of energy your family uses is a great way to start, especially in the summertime. Depending on where you live, you may even be able to plan out a special landscape that will conserve water during times of drought. Make it a community effort so that everyone can see the positive changes that can come with being eco-conscious.
Here are a few of the best tips on how to get started.
Let the bugs live
While there are many bugs who remain pests throughout spring and summer, there are some valuable helpersout there. These are the insects that eat the pests and prevent them from chewing up your flowers and veggies, so let them live! Instead of spraying pesticides in your garden–which will kill everything–use a natural pest-repellent such as soap and water to keep the bad guys from gnawing on your lawn.
Photo via Pixabay by ArtisticOperations
Learn to conserve
Conserving water should be a priority for every homeowner, and a great way to start is by making sure you aren’t overusing on hot days. Some cities have ordinances for the amount of water you can use outdoors, so check online to see what the rules are about sprinklers and water hoses.
You can also look for creative landscaping ideas, especially if you live in an area where drought is common. One specific type of landscaping–called xeriscaping–is focused on saving water while keeping things alive. Click herefor more details.
Buy the right tools
You can hardly expect to do a good job of landscaping without the right tools, so start off on the right foot by making sure you have a good pair of gloves to protect your hands, as well as the right kind of digging and weeding tools for your needs. Just make sure you put them away after every use and keep sharp items out of reach from the kiddos.
Do your research
It’s imperative to do some research regarding plants that are native to your area. Many of these are great for the local wildlife, but some can be aggressiveand toxic to other plantlife. Do some homework before planting anything new.
Use a hand-powered lawn mower
It might be a bit more work, but using a hand-powered lawn mower rather than one that runs on gasoline will help reduce emissions, one of the biggest factors in global warming. If you have a very large yard, you might trade off with your spouse or another family member so that no one has to cut all the grass at once. You can use this technique for trimming weeds, too. Doing things by hand is more time-consuming, but in the end, you’ll feel better for having done your part to keep things green.
Staying eco-friendly when it comes to yardwork is a great way to benefit your community and the world at large, and it can also help your family stay healthy. Do some research before starting anything new, and get your loved ones involved so that they can learn how to be eco-conscious.
You can read more from Clara HERE!